A research article on Synecoculture and Augmented Ecosystems has been published.
Presentation at IEEE RO-MAN 2024
The following paper was presented at the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN) held in August 26-30, 2024, at Pasadena, CA, USA.
Locating the Fruit to Be Harvested and Estimating Cut Positions from RGBD Images Acquired by a Camera Moved Along Fixed Paths Using a Mask-R-CNN Based Method |
Zhao, Wentao (Waseda University), Otani, Takuya (Shibaura Institute of Technology), Sugiyama, Soma (Waseda University), Mitani, Kento (Waseda University), Masaya, Koki (Waseda University), Takanishi, Atsuo (Waseda University), Aotake, Shuntaro (Waseda University), Funabashi, Masatoshi (SonyCSL/Kyoto University), Ohya, Jun (Waseda University) |
Keywords: Degrees of Autonomy and Teleoperation, Machine Learning and Adaptation Abstract: Compared to traditional agricultural environments, the high density and diversity of vegetation layouts in Synecoculture farms present significant challenges in locating and harvesting occluded fruits and pedicels (cutting points). To address this challenge, this study proposes a Mask R-CNN-based method for locating fruits (tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, etc.) and estimating the pedicels from RGBD images acquired by a camera moved along fixed paths. After obtaining masks of all fruits and pedicels, this method judges the matching relationship between the located fruit and pedicel according to the 3D distance between the fruit and pedicel. Subsequently, this research determines the least occluded best viewpoint for harvesting based on the visible real areas of located fruits in images acquired under the fixed paths, and harvesting is then completed from this best viewpoint following a straight path. Experimental results show this method effectively identifies occluded targets and their cutting positions in both Gazebo simulation environments and real-world farms. This method can select the least occluded viewpoint for a high harvesting success rate. |
Presentation at CILSS Pavilion in Expo 2023 Doha
Masa Funabashi presented Synecoculture as a part of the events at the CILSS Pavilion during Expo 2023 in Doha, Qatar.
Presentazione alla S.I.Di.L.V
Masa Funabashi ha presentato il seminario della SIDilV (Società Italiana di Diagnostica di Laboratorio Veterinaria):
La registrazione del webinar è disponibile sulla pagina web per i membri abbonati.
Presentation at UNFCCC-COP28 Japan Pavilion
At the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) being held in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023, Masatoshi Funahashi who is Research Director at Sony CSL and also President of SynecO, Inc., participated in a seminar held in the Japan Pavilion. He spoke about the initiatives of SynecO and on activities related to Synecoculture.
Presentation at G7 Alliance on Nature Positive Economies
Masa Funabashi, President and Representative Director of SynecO, Inc., presented on Synecoculture and Augmented Ecosystems at a workshop of G7 Alliance on Nature Positive Economies.
Synecoculture featured in Sony’s sustainability report
The Synecoculture project at Sony CSL was featured in the Environment section of Sony’s sustainability report 2023.
Promoting Biodiversity through Synecoculture™*
Sony is promoting biodiversity and extending the reach of such efforts
on its sites through Synecoculture. Synecoculture is a farming method
advocated by Masatoshi Funabashi, senior researcher at Sony
Computer Science Laboratories, in which a wide variety of plants are
mixed and densely grown on a single area of farmland to create an
augmented ecosystem, thereby maximizing the circulation inherent
in an ecosystem, and by doing so, help overcome the trade-off
between productivity and environmental degradation.
Sony Group Enteritis in China have been widely deploying this technique
since fiscal year 2020 at sites across the country with coordinated efforts
both internally and externally. Five Synecoculture farms have now been
established on a total of 6,000 m2 of land, with over 2,000 kg of
vegetables harvested in the last three years. These initiatives were
recognized through an award from the Shanghai Municipal Commission
of Commerce (led by Shanghai Government) in fiscal 2022.
Sony/Taiyo Corporation started a Synecoculture farm in fiscal 2022
with the support of SynecO Co., Ltd., which operates a business
centered on Synecoculture, planting more than 100 species of plants.
Plants on the farm have continued to grow steadily, creating a health
ecosystem that provides radishes, potatoes and other vegetables
served in the employee cafeteria.
Synecoculture™* and Augmented Ecosystems
Conventional agriculture largely focuses on increasing productivity
from a single crop by plowing topsoil, spreading fertilizer, and
applying agrochemicals. These practices damage ecosystems and
cause environmental problems. Sony CSL successfully conducted
demonstration tests for Synecoculture, a new agricultural practice
that balances productivity and biodiversity, moving closer toward
sustainability. Synecoculture is already being used in the Sahel region
in Africa and has the potential to have a major global impact by
contributing to desert greening and helping local economies around
the world.
Synecoculture eliminates the need for the plowing, fertilizing, and
agrochemical use that impact the environment, by taking maximum
advantage of the material cycling that occurs naturally in ecosystems,
aiming to create rich ecosystems with a diverse mix of plants that
coexist together and grow lushly. The importance of building
ecosystems with a high degree of biological diversity and functionality
is increasing in response to climate change, food crises, and pandemics.
Synecoculture provides a fundamental solution to such global agenda.
Sony CSL is also working to supply new value through augmented
ecosystems, which expand the applications for Synecoculture beyond
food production to the creation of ecosystems with diverse objectives
and functions. The project supports education to enhance the
understanding of natural environments and adds new value to the
basic infrastructure of urban and living spaces. Building on this
project, Sony founded SynecO Inc. to create sustainable environments
and industries based on the renewable natural capital in which society
should be rooted.
*Synecoculture is a trademark of Sony Group Corporation.
Presentations at EcoSummit 2023, Gold Coast
The following presentations were presented at EcoSummit 2023 held in Gold Coast, Australia, on 13-17 June 2023.
-Oral Presentation: Masatoshi Funabashi “Synecoculture experiments: Human Augmentation of Ecosystems.”
-Poster Presentation: Kousaku Ohta, Tomoyuki Minami, and Masatoshi Funabashi “CSR ecological strategies to evaluate the community responses under controlled environmental gradient in augmented ecosystems.”