Opinion Article in BiodiverCities by 2030

An opinion article on Synecoculture and urban augmented ecosystems was published in the book “BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming Cities with Biodiversity”:

Funabashi, M. Living in a Hotspot of City and Biodiversity. The Case of Synecoculture. P. 252-253. In: Mejía, M.A., Amaya-Espinel, J.D. (eds.). BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming Cities with Biodiversity. Bogotá. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. 2022. 288 pages.

KIDS WORKSHOP 2020 @六本木ヒルズ に参加

森ビル株式会社が主催する、未来を担う子供たちへ新しい体験の可能性を提供するキッズワークショップに、Sony CSLより協生農法のチームが参加し、ワークショップ「いつもは見えない生態系ネットワークの存在について学ぼう!」を開催しました。

Sony CSL によるイベントレポート

Publication of useful plant species potentially introducible to Synecoculture fields in the Sahel

Synecoculture project team in SonyCSL has published online interactive graph interfaces of the useful plant databases, jointly constructed with CARFS and Université de Ouagadougou 1.

Click images to access interactive graph interfaces:

TinaWeb version
Gephi version

Details of the database

The database comprises 837 useful plant species collected from existing literature on the vegetation of the Sahel (shown with blue nodes) in collaboration with CARFS and Université de Ouagadougou 1.

Using the GloBI database, 15396 plant and animal species in total were detected (shown with green nodes) for having known biological interactions on 629 of these 837 species.

Publication of a book chapter

Masa Funabashi contributed a chapter “Water and Ecosystem Cycles Mediated by Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture” in the book “Genetic Diversity in Plants”.

Masatoshi Funabashi (November 5th 2018). Water and Ecosystem Cycles Mediated by Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture [Online First], IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.79781. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/water-and-ecosystem-cycles-mediated-by-plant-genetic-resources-for-food-and-agriculture










Publication of Review Article in Plant Biotechnology

Masatoshi Funabashi has published the following review article:

M. Funabashi, “Synecological farming: Theoretical foundation on biodiversity responses of plant communities” Plant Biotechnology, special issue plants environmental responses, 16.0219a

This article explains the integrated model of physiological and ecological optima, IMPEO, which makes the theoretical foundation of Synecoculture.

In the same volume also co-authored the following articles:

Kousaku Ohta, Tsuyoshi Takeshi, Masatoshi Funabashi, Shoji Oda “Naturally Grown Rucola, Eruca sativa, contains more a-linolenic acid than Conventionally Grown Rucola”Plant Biotechnology, special issue plants environmental responses, 16.0217b

λ Tsuyoshi Mizoguchi, Masatoshi Funabashi “Environmental responses of plants: Biological interactions in the homogenous population or community (mixed populations)” Plant Biotechnology, Vol. 33 (2016) No. 4, 211-212

海洋地球インフォマティクス 2016 -情報・データの科学技術が社会の新しい扉を拓く-にて講演

2016年5月11日に東京・コクヨホールにて行われたシンポジウム「海洋地球インフォマティクス 2016 -情報・データの科学技術が社会の新しい扉を拓く-」にて、舩橋真俊が「オープンシステムにおけるインフォマティクスー生物多様性を例としてー」と題して講演しました。