Presentations at CCE’23

Masatoshi Funabashi , Sony CSL senior reseacher, presented two research papers at the Complex Computational Ecosystems 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan, and one of them received the Best Non-Student Presentation Award.

■ [Best Non-Student Presentation Award ] “Vegee Brain Automata: Ultradiscretization of essential chaos transversal in neural and ecosystem dynamics” (Masatoshi Funabashi)

Get the final version manuscript here.

■“Modeling ecosystem management based on the integration of image analysis and human subjective evaluation – Case studies with synecological farming” (Shuntaro Aotake, Atsuo Takanishi, Masatoshi Funabashi

Get the final version manuscript here.

Both papers have been published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computation Science.

Press release on Syneco Robotics

A group of researchers led by Takuya Otani, an Assistant Professor at Waseda University, in collaboration with Sustainergy Company and Sony CSL, have designed a new robot that can perform Synecoculture effectively. It manages a variety of mixed plants grown in the shade of solar panels, an otherwise unutilized space. An article describing their research was published in Volume 13, Issue 1 of Agriculture, on 21 December 2022. The press release on this article was published on AAAS EurekAlert! and Waseda University websites:

NEWS RELEASE 20-MAR-2023 A sowing, pruning, and harvesting robot for SynecocultureTM farming (AAAS EurekAlert!)

Waseda University News A Sowing, Pruning, and Harvesting Robot for Synecoculture Farming



(1) 大谷拓也,伊藤明,青竹峻太郎,舩橋真俊,高西淳夫 「協生農法環境における農作業支援ロボットの開発 (第 3 報:雑草剪定・種植え・収穫実施における操縦性評価)」日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 2022

Takuya Otani, Akira Itoh, Shuntaro Aotake, Masatoshi Funabashi and Atsuo Takanishi. Development of the Agricultural Robot in SynecocultureTM Environment (3rd Report, Evaluation of Controllability in Weed Pruning, Seed Planting, and Harvesting) Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Robotic Society of Japan, No.3H2-01, 2022

(2) 三谷健人,杉山壮真,大澤来実,伊藤明,近藤貴久,森田愛大, 青竹峻太郎,舩橋真俊,大谷拓也,高西淳夫 「協生農法環境における農作業支援ロボットの開発 (第 6 報:コンベックスを用いた高伸縮比を持つ直動機構)」日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 2022

Mitani Kento, Sugiyama Soma, Osawa Kurumi, Itoh Akira,
Kondo Takahisa, Morita Manata, Aotake Shuntaro, Funabashi Masatoshi, Otani Takuya and Takanishi Atsuo. Development of the Agricultural Robot in SynecocultureTM Environment (6th Report, Linear motion mechanism with high expansion and contraction ratio using convex) Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Robotic Society of Japan, No.3H2-04, 2022

Actes du 6e Forum Africain sur la Synécoculture / Proceedings of the 6th African Forum on Synecoculture

Actes du 6e Forum Africain sur la Synécoculture / Proceedings of the 6th African Forum on Synecoculture is now available from the following link:

Pélagie Tchilalo ASSI, André Tindano and Masatoshi Funabashi, editor “Actes du 6e Forum Africain sur la Synécoculture / Proceedings of the 6th African Forum on Synecoculture” (French-English Version). Research and Education material of UniTwin UNESCO Complex Systems Digital Campus, e-laboratory: Human Augmentation of Ecosystems, No. 2 (2022)

Publication of an article on Syneco Robotics

The following article was published in MDPI Agriculture journal:

Takuya Otani, Akira Itoh, Hideki Mizukami, Masatsugu Murakami, Shunya Yoshida, Kota Terae, Taiga Tanaka, Koki Masaya, Shuntaro Aotake, Masatoshi Funabashi, and Atsuo Takanishi. 2023. “Agricultural Robot under Solar Panels for Sowing, Pruning, and Harvesting in a Synecoculture Environment” Agriculture 13, no. 1: 18.


日本ロボット学会誌40 巻 (2022) 9 号に、以下の論文が公開されました。

協生農法環境における農作業支援ロボットの開発—第1報:圃場移動の開発および剪定・収穫動作の実現—田中 大雅, 政谷 巧樹, 寺江 航汰, 水上 英紀, 村上 将嗣, 吉田 駿也, 青竹 峻太郎, 舩橋 真俊, 大谷 拓也, 高西 淳夫

(English Title: Development of the Agricultural Robot in SynecocultureTM Environment —1st Report, Development of Moving Mechanism on the Farm and Realization of Weeding and Harvesting—)