Publication on Synecoculture from Nature Research

Masatoshi Funabashi has published a perspective article from Nature Partner Journal Science of Food:

Human augmentation of ecosystems: objectives for food production and science by 2045

This perspective paper defines a novel paradigm, the anthropogenic augmentation of ecosystems, as a solution to health-diet-environment trilemma.

Based on this perspective, FOOD flagship project was established in the UniTwin UNESCO Complex Systems Digital Campus.

From 2020, this e-laboratory changed its name from “Open Systems Exploration for Ecosystems Leveraging” to “Human Augmentation of Ecosystems”, taking the perspective article as the landmark publication of the initial phase in CS-DC.

Presentation at 7th International Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Management in Melbourne, Australia

Charles Lin presented on the practice of synecoculture in Taiwan at the 7th International Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Management.

Download the abstract here.

Reference of the abstract: Kai-Yuan Lin et al., J Ecosyst Ecogr 2018, Volume 8″ DOI: 10.4172/2157-7625-C4-041

See the trip report here.

Poster presentation at 3rd IMEKOFOODS, in Thessaloniki, Greece

The summary of the poster is available in the proceedings:

Ohta K. and Funabashi M., STATISTICAL INVARIANCE ANALYSIS OF CONVENTIONAL AND NATURALLY GROWN GREEN COARSE TEA (BANCHA) METABOLITE. Proceedings of 3rdIMEKOFOODS Metrology Promoting Harmonization& Standardization in Food & Nutrition 1st – 4thOctober 2017, KEDEA building, AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece, p250.

3rd IMEKOFOODS webpage